"I am a product designer
with strong visual design skills.

I have a passion for
user-centered design,
visual design, and
brand communication design

across diverse industries."

My Skills

Skills - Simplematic X Webflow template

UX Research

Research Plan, Interview, User Journey Mapping, Synthesis, Ideation

Skills - Simplematic X Webflow template

UI/UX Design

Menu Tree, Information Architecture, Wireframing, Prototying

Skills - Simplematic X Webflow template

Visual Design

Brand Communication (Logo, Package, etc.) App design, Web design, Editorial Design

Skills - Simplematic X Webflow template

Critical Thinking

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy,
Brand Storytelling, Logical Thinking


Adobe Illustration
MS Words/ Google Docs
Adobe Photoshop
MS Excels/ Google Sheets
Adobe XD
Adobe Indesign
MS PowerPoint/ Google Slides

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