Collaborating Platform Design

Our team developed a collaboratory platform through a workshop with Gen Z group from diverse countries

Samsung Global
Feb - May 2021
UX designer
Web platform
Final Report
Collaborating Platform Design

Client's Challenge

Samsung is looking at being the technology brand of choice for Gen Z; they may be the most entrepreneurial generation. What’s important to Gen Z in their technology? They’ve grown up in a world where everyone has a smartphone. What under-the-radar trends do you see emerging? What would you design for your peers?

Design Process

1. Desk Research - Major themes

We studied Generation Z and categorized the information by characteristics of Gen Z, comparison with previous generations, Gen Z & Technology, and Gen Z & Business. Through this, we defined six major themes for Gen Z: Stressed Strivers, Authentic Activists, COVID survivors, True Digital Natives, Personalization, and Ambitious Entrepreneurial

2. Conducted A Workshop - Zooming in the Gen Z

We tuned in to the voices of Gen Z through secondary research to identify major themes and created a foundation to design an experiment to delve deeper. Our team designed a workshop to hear the real voices of Gen Z and used the platforms to deepen our understanding of what was most important to them. Fifteen Gen Zs from six countries joined the workshop.

3. Created the collaboratory

We verified the characteristics of GenZ through the workshop, and based on it, we developed a prototype of a web platform, the collaboratory, where Samsung Global Studio can be the playground of GenZ, and the two can be further linked.

See Prototype
Collaborating Platform Design
Collaborating Platform Design